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Backstreet Soaps
The Stories

A few things before you start reading. All of our stories are written in script form. So instead of a lot of he said, she said, the name of the person speaking will be at the beginning of the line and then what they said. Like a play. We think it's easier to understand and that way we can concentrate more on the what they are saying. Also the boys will not be the only celebreties in our stories. We put in other people we admire as our family, friends and some times as our ex's. Once again we do not know any of these people. It is just to make for an interesting story.

I've taken 'Nothing is what it seems' and 'A little south of Sanity' off the site for right now until I can get a chance to work on them. Since I'm writing solo I'm going to try to concentrate on only two stories at a time.


Jukebox Favorites- a collection of short stories.


There's something about those boy-bands. - Loren and Jessica never thought a trip to the 1993 MTV Video Music Awards would change their lives so much. The story is about two girls standing by each other through life's many obsticals. And them finally finding love in a familiar place.



Mob Ties - What if 'Nsync and Backstreet Boys were rival mob families competing for control of Las Vegas? Could an arranged marriage be the answer to end the fued?


a LITTLE SOUTH of SANITY - an epic saga of life.. this is the first story we wrote with Backstreet. It spans years.. and lives!!


Nothing is what it seems - How could something that seemed so right at first could go so wrong? And what could the lead singer of a hard rock band be doing hanging out with the world's biggest boy band.


Short Story - it's a quick six chapter story about two girls named Ally and Mandy. I wrote this for them after they sent me an e-mail. It's the first time I did something like that so I hope it came out well.  As of right now it's my only finished story.