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Packing My Bags

Chapter 4

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I was ready and waiting down in the lobby for Dom. He arrived looking very handsome, but a little distressed.  He was
                           heading to the elevators to go up to my floor so I called out to him.  "Dom."
He stops and turned around. "Hey, I was just on my way up.  Wow, you look great."
Me - "Thanks. I had no idea what you have planned so if it's inappropriate I can go change."  I was wearing a long
                           jean skirt that had a slit up both sides and a tight kind of mesh, shiny black tank with boots and my hair was pulled back
                           in a pony tail but with some pieces loose around my face.
Dom - "No you look perfect.  Come on we
                           don't have much time, they were right behind me."  He takes my arm and we startwalking at a pretty fast pace.  
Me - "Who's right behind you."  
                           - "Stalkers."  I assume he means fans so I go with out
                           protest.  We get in his car and I can tell it had been rather hurriedly cleaned
                           because there is a lingering smell of French fries.  He gets in a starts the engine
                           and takes off driving rather rashly.  
Me - "Are these
                           stalkers that dangerous?"  
Dom - "What? Oh
                           no they are just persistent."  
Me - "Oh, okay
                           so what are we going to do?"  
Dom - "I figured
                           we'd start with dinner and then if you're not sick of me we'd go from there."  
Me - "Sounds like a plan."  We arrive at a popular restaurant that has a bit of a wait but Dom had called ahead to make sure they had a table
                           for us.  It's towards the back so we're able to dine in peace for the most part.  We make small talk about nonsense stuff.  
The wait staff was slightly annoying because they kept popping up
                           at the wrong times.  “So Dominic, tell me something because it’s been kind of bugging me. 
                           You said you’re a fan, how can you be a fan when I’m not even that well known and they don’t show
                           the races down here.”  
Dom – “Well
                           back at the beginning of shooting Billy had this picture of you, Xandy and him on his table. 
                           And I just thought you were beautiful and I start bugging him about you and then one day we were able to get the race
                           and since then every time we’ve had the opportunity I’ve watched.”  Just then the waiter comes over inquiring
                           if we need any more water or
                           anything.  “No thank you we’re fine.”  He leaves and Dom rolls his eyes.  
Me – “Well at least they’re attentive, I’ve been some places were
                           it’s hard to get decent service.  Do you come here a lot?”  
"No it was recommended by Peter, he said it was quiet and we'd be able to talk."
Me - "Well the food is really good.  I didn't realize how hungry I was."
Dom - "Well save room we're going to stop some
                           where else for dessert.  That is if that's alright with you."
I look at him and smile shyly,
                           "okay."  I think it was his way of asking if I was having a good time.  Which I was, better then I expected.  
We spent the time just getting to know each other, he told me about
                           auditioning for Lord of the Rings and about growing up in Germany and then moving to London with his family.  I told
                           him about growing up in the States, which he kept calling the colonies to be funny. 
Me - "Are you trying to get a rise out of me, by calling them that."
Dom - "Nah not really.  Sean and Elijah got all defensive when I first started doing that and I think it's
                           funny to see how many times I can do it before one of them yells at me."
Me - "Well you won't get
                           that satisfaction from me.  I have duel citizenship with America and Britain."
Dom - "That must be an interesting passport."
Me - "Hey isn't that that
                           Orlando guy."  I point over his shoulder.
Dom - "Shit."  He gets money out of his wallet and puts it on the table.  "Come
Once again he has me by the arm and we sneak out the back door.  Once we are in the car.  "Okay what's going on?"
Dom - "Nothing."
Me - "Nothing.  Okay since nothing is going on why don't you take me to the hotel."
Dom - "You want to go back?"
Me - "Well I don't want to
                           be lied to."
Dom - "Okay.  My stalkers aren't stalkers.  Billy found out we were going out tonight and has made it his mission to crash our
                           date, and I'm sure he's gotten everyone in on it."
Me - "So we're on the lame from Billy."  Dom nods.  "Why didn't you say something?"
Dom - "He's your friend.  I thought maybe you'd want to see him."
Me - "I'm here for a few days, and I already
                           made plans with him for tomorrow.  Tonight I'm with you."  We are at a light so he can take a minute to look over at me and I wink at him.  "So where are we off to now?"
Dom - "How's a club sound?"
Me - "Great, we can get lost
                           in the crowd."
So we get to the club and once again, get a pass at the line.  "How
                           do you do that?"
Dom - "Do what?"
Me - "Not wait in line."
Dom - "Oh, everyone in this
                           city seems to know someone that is working on some aspect of the movie.  It’s
                           a huge thing over here, a lot of jobs and such so they let us cut in line when we come here. 
                           Don't try to tell me that you Sydney Wade have never gotten a pass for a line."
Me - "Well yeah... but I'm
                           a girl, guys usually don't get them."
Dom - "That sounds slightly sexist."
Me - "It's the truth."
Dom - "Come on let me get
                           you a drink."
We head over to the bar and have a few drinks, still making small talk.  As I'm consuming alcohol I'm becoming more comfortable around him. 
Me - "So Dom, are you planning on asking me to dance at all or
                           do I need to ask one of these other guys here."
Dom - "I'm not that great of dancer."
Me - "I'm sure you not that
                           bad, come on please."  I bat my eyes at him.
Dom - "Alright."
Me - "Thank you."  I jump of
                           the stool and grab his hand and lead him to the dance floor, I immediately discover his problem.  "Hey who are you dancing with?"
Dom - "You."
Me - "Then look at me."  I grab one of his hands and put it on my hip and he suddenly found rhythm.  "See it's not so hard."
We probably danced for a half an hour or more till I motion back
                           to the bar for another drink.  Dom heads that way and I follow him, as we pass
                           through a group of people some one grabs me from behind and puts his hand over my mouth. He drags me back a hall towards the
                           bathroom. I finally get my feet under me enough to balance myself to kick my attack in the shin.
"Ouch, Jesus Syd, did you
                           have to kick me?"
I throw the hood back and look down at Billy.  "Well
                           of course I had to kick you, you think I'm just going to let someone drag me off in to a dark room and murder me.  What are you doing here?"
"I've come to rescue you of course."
"I don't need rescued Billy.
                           I'm having a good time."
"With Dom?"
"Yes with Dom. 
                           He's very charming."
"Yes I know.  Well hope you don't mind we're
                           having a little fun with your new boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend."
"Anyway, come here."  We look around the corner and see Elijah and Orli, walking towards him.  "They're delivering the ransom note."
"Ransom note?"
"He has to agree to certain
                           conditions before we'll leave you two in peace."
"And what conditions are they?"
"Things he'll never agree
"Like what?"
"He's not to approach you in an ungentlemanly
"What?"  I start giggling.
"I'm just trying to protect
                           your virtue here."
"My virtue was tossed out the window awhile ago Billy."
"Look I know Dom, as a guy,
                           and you are my friend, I've known you for more years then I can remember, so I'm trying to keep you safe."
"Is there something you're
                           not telling me?"
Just then Dom and my other ransomers come around the corner.
Elijah - "He actually signed
Billy - "He did.  Did he use his real name?"
Elijah looks again.  "Yeah.  Oh hey, by the way I'm Elijah,
                           this is Orlando"
Me - "I figured as much."
Dom - "So now that I signed
                           your little note can I have my date back?"
Me - "Wait let me see that."
I the undersigned to here by understand
                           that I am in no way to violate the trust that is given to me by the girl known as Sydney Wade. 
                           I will be a gentleman at all times, will not engage her in any activity she might find unpleasant and will go way when
                           she asks me to.  Giving up all right to further contact until she contacts me.
Dominic Monaghan
Me - "You've got to be kidding me."  I tear it in half and give it to Billy.  "Really Billy, you're
                           too much."
Billy - "All friends should be so caring."
Me - "Well if you gentleman will excuse us,
                           Dom promised me some dessert."
I take Dom by the hand and we leave.  They
                           follow us to the car, where Dom opens my door for me as if proving to them that he can be a gentleman.  "I'll see you tomorrow Billy."  I yell as we drive away.  I look over at Dom.  "I don't believe
                           you signed that."
Dom - "It wasn't a hard decision to make.  I
                           have no cruel intentions in mind, the only thing I had a problem with was the will go away when she asks thing."
Me - "You wouldn't go away
                           if I asked you to."
Dom - "Depends on why you were sending me away." 
                           He turns into a little coffee shop.  "I can't believe you tore it up."
Me - "It was the most ridiculous
                           thing I had ever read.  Some thing my brother would do."
Dom - "Well come one this
                           place has some of the best cakes in the area."
We go in and sample a few of the desserts.  I couldn't decide so Dom order different things and we just each had a few bites of
When we got back to the hotel, he walked me to my door. 
Me - "You know I say this a lot and don't really
                           mean it.  But I really had a great time."
Dom - "Well I'm glad one
                           of us did."
I scoff and go to hit his arm.  He had it
                           planned because as I move forward he caught my hand and pulled me towards him to kiss me. 
                           It was unexpected and that's one of the things that made it so wonderful.  He
                           laced his fingers through mine as his other hand came up to the side of my face.  There
                           was nothing forceful about his kiss, but it was strong and tender at the same time.  I had to pull back to catch my breath and save myself from going  further.  I could do nothing but stare at him.
Dom - "You're going to hit me now right."
Me - "No.  I'm going to say goodnight." and pray you don't kiss me again, otherwise I'll do something I'll regret.
Dom - "Can I call you?"
Me - "If you don't I'll send
                           Billy after you."
Dom - "Good night."  He kisses my cheek
                           and leaves.  I watch for a few moments, he looks back over his shoulder gives
                           me a little smile and wave and turns the corner.  I go
                           inside, get ready for bed.  I lie down and smile to myself, touching my lips and
                           remembering his kiss I fall asleep.