Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thrity-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifity-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-one
Chapter Seventy-two
Chapter Seventy-three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninty Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
There's something about those boybands.
Chapter Twelve

October 12, 1995

Jess was sitting in her film class watching a French film they were studying. She had seen it before so she was trying not to doze off when she noticed Reece frantically gesturing from the doorway. Quietly she gathered her books and sneaked out.

Reece - "Loren's in the hospital."

Jess - "The baby's coming!"

Reece - "Looks like it, your mom has ticket for us at the airport. The plane leaves in an hour. I've got our bags let's go." Stephen was in Florida filming so he couldn't go. They got in her little old VW and drive to the airport. "I'm so nervous."

Jess - "Why you're not having the baby?"

Reece - "Well yeah but I've only met your grandfather what if your parents don't like me."

Jess - "They will trust me. Gramps is the hardest on to please and if he likes you then you're a shoe in for everyone else. Besides you've talked to my mom on the phone."

Reece - "Yeah."

Jess - "You're just borrowing trouble. It'll be fine."
The flight is smooth and when they touch down Kurt is there to met them at the gate. Jess hadn't seen him in months so she runs up and hugs him.

Kurt - "I missed you too pumpkin."

Reece - "Hi I'm Reece."

Kurt - "I figured as much." She reaches out her hand to shake but he hugs her.

Jess - "We're a family of huggers. Did she have the baby yet?"

Kurt - "Yeap a couple hours ago. A little boy named Tristan." He drives them to the hospital so they can visit. The baby was still in the nursery so they peeked at it before going to Loren's room. Vanessa was in there with her.

Jess - "Hey and how's the new mom?"

Loren - "Tired."

Reece - "Do you want us to come back later?"

Loren - "No it's okay. You must be Stephen's Reece."

Reece - "Yeah. You have a beautiful baby."

Loren - "Thank you."

Vanessa - "Since the girls are here I'm going to go stretch my legs. Be right back."

Loren - "Okay." Jess takes the seat she had vacated.

Jess - "So did it hurt a lot?"

Loren - "Oh my God yes. I thought I was going to break your mom's hand. But it was worth it when I saw him."

Jess - "You're so lucky I can't wait to have babies."

Reece - "This from the one that ran out on her wedding."

Jess - "Alright maybe I can wait."

Loren - "It's an odd feeling knowing that I'm going to be responsible for some one else the rest of my life."

Jess - "Well if anyone can do it, it's you."

Loren - "What if I can't."

Reece - "My aunt told me something when I was little and my parents had just broken up. She said that God was special people that He watches over. These people are the ones that are stronger then others. He gives them tasks that others can't handle so they know how special they are to Him. Lots of women aren't strong enough to do the sinlge mother thing. But He thinks you are." Loren smiles at her.

Loren - "I hope so."

Reece - "I know so." Reece takes her hand. "I have faith that God is watching over you and Tristen."

Loren - "Thank you."

Jess - "What are you doing with my brother?" Reece laughs. "You're talking about God and faith."

Reece - "Well being with Stephen is the mission God gave me."

Loren - "I can believe that." They laugh.

Loren and her baby get discharged two days later and Reece and Jess head back to LA. Loren still lives in the apartment that she shared with Jess. Jess's old room was converted in to a nursery. Loren had gotten more involved in the New York theater scene and still tended bar and Club Hell on the weekends.

June 1996

Jess - "I can't believe that I'm finally done with school." She was in her room with Loren getting ready to go to graduation.

Loren - "You've worked really hard for it. I just wish your parents were here."

Jess - "That's okay I understand dad's in France and mom has that book signing. Besides Reeces taping it and you guys are here, that's just as good." The baby is laying on the bed rolling around. "Where are you going?" She grabs him and hold him over her head. Stephen comes in.

Stephen - "Hey you ready yet?"

Jess - "Yeah let's get going." It had been a hard year. Jess has done nothing except go to school and work. Sean might have told her that she didn't have to worry about bills but she kept working at Fat Burger cause it was fun and it was the only break she gave herself from school. The whole family minus her mom and dad were there for her graduation. Chris had even taken time off to come out. They all walked to the ceremony, Jess lived so close that people were actually parking by her house and walking up to the campus. They went to find seats and Jess joined her class.

"Jessica Paris Connery." They called her name and she walked across the stage as they were handing her the diploma she heard her mom and dad yelling. They had just got there. Kurt was standing on a chair and Stephen had actually picked Goldie up on his shoulder so Jess would see her. She jumps off the stage and runs to them. After clearing his throat to get everyone's attention the dean continues with the ceremony. After hugging both of them she punchs Kurt in the arm. "You two dorks made me cry."

Goldie - "Oh honey did you think we where really going to miss you graduating?"

Kurt - "I wanted to tell you from the start but your mom wouldn't let me."

Jess - "Well I don't care I'm just glad you guys are here." She hugs them again. "Well I'm done with this place let's go get something to eat."

They leave before the ceremony's over to avoid the traffic. Sean had made reservations at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant. They all ate and drank too much. Jess was almost done opening presents, when she came to a card from Chris. She opened it, typical graduation card but there was a business card inside for some one at MTV.

Jess - "Um Uncle Chris, you must have dropped this in here."

Chris - "Actually no that is the personal director. I gave her your name. They are looking for people to work at the beach house this summer I thought you might be interested."

Jess - "Really? Oh thank you Uncle Chris. Stephen give me your phone."

Chris - "Jessica it's Saturday she's not going to be in.

Jess - "Oh yeah. I forgot. Well I'm calling her first thing Monday.

So that's how she got the job at MTV. Jess worked at the beach house that summer, doing gofer stuff. She even got on air for about ten seconds when Kennedy went to the bathroom. After it was over they asked to come back to New York and work for them. Of course she said yes. At first she was an assistant to Bill Bellamy which was just a lot of taking his phone calls. The best part was when he would go interview people. Jess never missed those. During one when he was interviewing Mariah Carey the camera guy didn't show. They had the camera but no one to run it. Jess of course volunteered, it was after all what she went to school for. When the tape got back to the studio everyone said she did a really good job. Chris even requested that she be assigned to him so she was always running around with him. Jess called him Uncle Chris once and that's how everyone found out she was his niece, until then no one knew.

Chapter Thirteen

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