Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thrity-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifity-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-one
Chapter Seventy-two
Chapter Seventy-three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninty Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
There's something about those boybands.
Chapter Sixteen

Loren son, Tristan, for reasons unknown insisted on being called King Arthur. He had her up at the ungodly hour of six the next morning. She was able to convince him to crawl in bed with his mommy and watch cartoons on her TV. Thus letting her sleep for another hour that was until the phone rang.

Loren - "hello?"

Kevin - "Hi."

She smiles, "Hello."

Kevin - "Hi."

She cracks up - "Hello."

Kevin - "What are you doing today?"

Loren - "Um, its Saturday so I am free until 4, then I have a show tonight, why, what do you have to do?"

Kevin - "Nothing."

Loren - "Can you sneak out?"

Kevin - "I don't think that will be a problem."

Loren - "Ok, give me an hour and I will meet you at Starbucks down on the corner from the hotel."

Kevin - "Okay."

Loren - "Wear sneakers."

Kevin - "Huh?"

Loren - "You'll see."

She hangs up and jumps in the shower. Then dresses in jeans and a hooded sweatshirt. Sneakers and sunglasses, pulls her hair in a ponytail. She cleans up Tristan and the mess he made with the cheerios on her bed. After dressing him warmly they go down and throw his stroller in her Hummer. It was my baby shower present from her daddy. He wanted Tristan and her to be safe, and she convinced him it was the safest vehcile.

They drive down town and park in the hotel under ground parking garage. She know the attendant, he is one of the kids that hang around with Danny at the Club. He lets her in and even gives Tristan a lollypop. She parks and decides to carry Tristan down the street to Starbucks. Kevin sees them before she sees him and he gets over his initial shock before she can see it. She sees him sitting in the corner wearing a hooded sweatshirt, baseball cap and sun glasses. She smiles and makes her way over to the table.

Loren - "Hi."
Kevin stands up and kisses her cheek, "Hello, and who are you?"

Tristan - "I'm King Arthur." Kevin chuckles.

Loren - "His name is Tristan, but he is known in social circles as King Arthur."

Tristan - "Cookies."

Loren smiles - "He loves cookies."

Kevin - "who doesn't"

Tristan - "please mama, cookies."

Kevin walks over and buys 3 giant chocolate chip cookies. He comes back and hands one to Tristan and the other two he put in a bag and handed them to Loren.

Kevin - "So what is on the agenda for today?"

Loren - "Well, I am not sure, normally this is where most guys fake an attack of appendicitis and split."

Kevin - "Well for the entire male gender, I apologize."

Loren smiles - "Well, King Arthur and I were going to spend some time in Central Park."

Kevin - "Sounds fun."

Tristan - "Good, you eat." He thrust the nibbled on cookie in Kevin's face.

Kevin - "all full buddy, maybe later."

Tristan - "kay."

Kevin - "You want coffee or something?"

Loren - "Actually, yeah. Um, I love their mocha latte."

Kevin - "Be right back." He goes up to the counter and returns with her latte and something for him. Then they leave.

Loren - "I have to go get the stroller out of my car." Kevin cant believe she drives a Hummer. "You will really upset me if you say something like, that's a guys vehicle."

Kevin - "Not at all, I support women's lib and the freedom to choose what ever vehicle you want to drive." He runs his hand across the hood. "I do think it is a cool ride, though."

Loren - "Thanks." He gets the stroller out (he has that whole southern gentleman thing going, and hey she is not going to complain, it feels good to have someone help out.) She buckles Tristan in and away they go.

They chat as they walked. Loren opened up to him about herself and Tristan. She told him about her family. He didn't freak out when he realized that if Sean Connery was Jess's grandfather that would make him Loren's father.

Tristan - "Ducks, me feed ducks."

She smiles "We always feed the ducks." They stop so Tristan can feed the ducks. Loren had come prepared and packed stale bread in her backpack. While he ran around doing that, Kevin told her about himself and his family.

Loren - "oh my, I don't know what I wold do if something happened to my dad."

About the time she said that, Tristan is good and dirty, but smiling from ear to ear. He makes them chase him around to catch him. Them he tries to squirm away as Kevin hold him and Loren tries to clean him up with wet wipes.

Well they survived that and made their way to the playground and Kevin pushed him in a swing. Loren sat in the one next to her son and Kevin started pushing her also.

Tristan - "Stop. Mama sand please."

Loren - "okay honey but be nice don't throw any."

Tristan - "Okay!" He runs to the sandbox.

Loren - "Want to sit awhile?"

Kevin - "Yeah following that kid around is tiring." They sit on a bench next to the sandbox and watch Tristan play with a little girl.

Kevin - "Do you think that perhaps sometime we could go out to dinner or something along those lines."

Loren - "You are too cute. I think that would be acceptable, however you must ask permission from the boss." She nods towards Tristan.

Kevin - "He is a sweet kid."

Loren - "Thanks. I apologize if I am coming off as stuck up or cautious, but I have more at stake than just me. I have to think about Tristan and what is best for him..." Whatever she was going to say is lost as Kevin leans over and kisses her. She is taken back for a moment but quickly recovers and returns his kiss. When it ends, they are both silent, just starring at each other.

Kevin - "I just want to go on record as saying you are one of the most responsible people I have met in a really long time. I admire your convictions when it comes to your son, I can't explain this feeling I have for you and have had since you walked out on stage and I saw you. It was like a lightening bolt hit me and it didn't diminish one bit when you introduced me to Tristan, quite to the contrary actually I think it intensified. I am not going to go all new age on you and preach about karma and destiny and all of that, but I can't help but feel some connection on a deeper level then I have ever felt before."

She loved what he said and believed him, but she felt they needed a mood breaker so she smiled.

Loren - "Are you sure its not your appendix?" He cracked up and they smiled.

Kevin - "I honestly can tell you it isn't since I had that removed when I was 11." About that time Tristan comes running over she looks at him and sighs.

Loren - "You're gonna need a bath baby doll."

Tristan - "Me go to play s'more." She looks at her watch.

Loren - "A few more minutes, then we have to go, mama has to go to work." He runs and plays. "So are you gonna catch hell for sneaking out?"

Kevin - "Nah, Johnny went to some meetings and for the last 3 hours I have been playing arcade games with Nick and AJ."

Loren - "You guys are like prisoners."

Kevin - "You don't have to tell me." She gets Tristan like 10 minutes later and they walk back to the hotel. "What are you doing after work?"

Loren - "Um, Trish Stratus boyfriend beat her up pretty bad so I am coving for her at Club Hell." Kevin looks at her. "Its this dance club down by the South Side Sea Port." He nods. "Well Kevin it has been a lovely day. I hope you will call me when you are in town again so we can go to dinner."

Kevin smiles, "I definitely will." He kisses her cheek and then says, "catch ya later King Arthur."

Tristan - "Bye-bye." Tristan has the cutest wave. Kevin winks and then leaves.

She takes Tristan home give him a bath, then packs his bag. She drops him off at Pete and Bergs. A couple of her college buddies that are her last resort baby sitters. Her afternoon show is typical. After which she takes off for work at Club Hell. She doesn't have to work there; after all shes not exactly hurting for money. But she just enjoys the company and has made a lot of friends with her co-workers over the years.

Meanwhile while she was at her show and everything Jess had been hanging out playing video games in Nick and AJ's room. Kevin comes in and asks her about the club.

Jess - "Oh its really cool. Outside it looks like any other old warehouse but inside is so cool. Saturday nights the let some of the girls from the local colleges tend bar for extra money. And they wear next to nothing so that they'll get good tips."

Kevin - "And this is where Loren works."

Jess - "Well not really. She did when she was still in school but now she just helps out when the get in a bit of a fix. I could probably get us in if you want to go."

AJ - "Almost naked college girls, I'm there."

Nick - "Me too."

Kevin - "No you're not. you're not old enough."

AJ - "Don't worry Nicky I'll tell you all about it in the morning." Nick pouts, Jess feels bad but there's nothing she can do its not like she can fast-forward the calendar.

Jess - "Should we ask Howie and Brian if they want to go?"

AJ - "Howie's a definite but clubs aren't usually Brian's scene. I'll call and ask." They both agree to go. Nick is nice enough to run interference so everyone can sneak out.

Once at the club they see how long the line is.

Howie - "You sure we can even get in?"

Jess - "As long as I know who's at the door." The cab lets them out at the entrance and Jess sees Matt one of the bouncers. "We're good theres Matty." They walk to the front of the line ignoring the shouts from the other people there. Jess reaches up to tap Matt on the shoulder. He turns around. "Hi Matty." She gives him the best little girl smile she has.

Matt - "Hey little girl does your daddy know where you are?" They flirt with each other all the time.

Jess - "No its a secret."

Matt - "I won't tell anyone. You where to see Blondie?"

Jess - "Yeah, can we get in." Matt looks at the guys and then looks over at Sphinx, another huge bodyguard type. Sphinx shrugs and unclips the rope. A few people in line start to get loud but he silences them with a hard look.

Matt - "Now you behave."

Jess - "Now come on when have you known me to behave." As the guys pass, Brian gives her a look out of the corner of his eye. Matt catches it.

Matt - "You have any trouble let me know."

Jess - "Okay thanks Matty."

They walk in the club and their mouths drop open at the site of the Angels of Hell. All the girls are dressed in these hip hugger jeans with crop tee shirts with Angel written across the front. Many of the girls have cut their shirts so that they show an over abundance of cleavage. The music is a mix of techno and house DJ with some familiar stuff thrown in for fun. Jess spots Loren and point her out then make her way over to where she is behind the bar.

AJ - "Those can't be real."

Howie - "I don't know."

AJ - "50 bucks they are implants."

Howie - "I don't know dude, they bounce."

Brian - "Even if they are how are you going to find out for sure." They look at Kevin who has not heard any of the conversation. "Do you want to ask him?"

AJ - "No."

Howie - "Not me man. Too bad Nick's not here."

Brian - "Then I guess it will forever remain a mystery."

Jess had gotten to where Loren was and shouted across the bar.

Jess - "Hey Blondie how about some service down here." She turns and squeals.

Loren - "Jess! Oh I'm so glad you came." She jumps over the bar and hugs Jess.

Jess - "I brought company." She points to where the guys are making there way a little more slowly over.

Loren - "I was hoping he'd come. We had the best day."

Jess - "Really. Well do tell."

Loren - "I can't get in to it now but defiantly tomorrow. I've got to get back to work."

Every 15 minutes the angels come out bearing these glow in the dark trays of dollar shots and people throw money onto the trays and do the shots. Its her turn to take one around. She takes the tray and heads straight to Kevin.

Kevin - "Hey."

Loren - "Hey I'm glad you came."

Kevin - "Well Jess talk me in to it. But it wasn't that hard."

Loren - "Want a shot."

Kevin - "Sure." He puts a twenty on the tray and takes a shot.

Loren - "Well I got go Ill see you later." She walks away and Kevin admires the view her retreating figure offers.

Howie - "Hey man come on Jessica got us a booth in the back."

They drink and dance and have a blast. AJ and Howie have like five girls all over them so they take their little party to a different booth. Leaving Kevin Brian and Jess to get shit faced together. Loren comes over every chance she gets.

Downstairs in the security room. Danny and Erik, one of the other owners, notice their little party. Mostly they notice how Kevin and Loren can't keep their hands off each other.

Erik - "oh Christ not another one of those stuck up jack asses, Lee you should have claimed her when you had the chance." Lee is a friend of theirs who is a silent partner in their other business.

Lee - "she's like a kid sister, man."

Danny - "He don't look so bad, I saw them last night."

Erik - "I dont know man, maybe you should talk to her."

Danny - "I ain't saying a word if he hurts her, I'll break his legs." Erik nods and comes up to tell Loren that she can split or stay and party if she wants.

Erik - "Loren." She jumps up off Kevin's lap.

Loren - "I'm sorry I'll get back to work."

Erik - "No its okay. The other girls can handle it. Go punch out and have fun."

Loren - "You sure?"

Erik - "Yeah."

Loren - "Thanks." She gives him a hug and waves at one of the hidden cameras. "Thanks Danny. Oh Erik this is Kevin and his cousin Brian."

Kevin - "hi." He stands up to shake Erik's hand.

Erik - "hello." He shakes his hand quick and then leaves.

Loren - "I'll be right back." She goes to get her tips from behind the bar and runs into Dannys girlfriend Mooney.

Loren - "So what do you think?"

Mooney - "He is totally your type, which in and of itself frightens me."

Loren - "Nah, he's different."

Mooney - "Just be careful."

Loren - "Ok, Mommy." She smiles and hugs her friend tight. Loren got back to the table and took Kevin out for a dance. Jess had been avoiding being alone with Brian all night. He hasn't brought up the conversation that they had in her apartment and she was praying he wouldn't.

Brian - "Hey want to dance?"

Jess - "Sure." Dancing is a good alternative to talking so Jess tries to keep him on the dance floor for the rest of the time they were there. About 2 hours later they decided to leave. Brian, Howie and AJ take a cab back to the hotel. Jess takes the subway to her apartment and Loren and Kevin head back to hers in her car. He stays the night and they have an absolutely fabulous time and then take a nap and have another absolutely fabulous time and she falls asleep. He lies there watching her sleep.

In the morning she awakes to find him cooking breakfast. She is flabbergasted.

Kevin - "Good morning."

Loren - "Morning."

Kevin - "I took some liberties with your kitchen."

Loren - "After last night you take liberties with anything I have." He smiles and gives her a quick kiss.

Kevin - "Sit." She sits down and he serves her Belgian waffles w/ fresh fruit topping ad whipped cream.

Loren - "I had stuff to make this."

Kevin - "Yeap. I love to cook, but don't get the chance much."

Loren - "You can cook me breakfast any time you want."

Kevin - "You might want to watch what you invite me to do, I might take you up on that."

Loren - "I don't mince words Kevin. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." She walks around the table and straddles his lap facing him. "You have some whipped cream on your lip." She leans down and kiss it away. He kisses her and about that time his cell phone rings. He groans and looks at her. Loren knowing he has to answer it lets him up so he can go find his jacket. They had shed their clothes all over the place.

Kevin - "Hello? Yeah I know. Okay. Yes I will be right there. Whatever." He flips his phone shut.

Loren - "I got you in trouble didn't I."

He smiles - "Don't worry about it. I had a great time."

She smiles - "Me too." He walks over and hugs her off the ground. "We better not start that again, I might not be able to stop. You go get dressed and get out of here before they hunt you down."

Kevin - "Would it matter if I said I don't care."

Loren - "Yes because you'd be lying." He puts her down and gathers his shoes and jacket. Finds his shirt and gets dressed. Her phone rings. After she finds it under her shirt she answers it.

Loren - "Hello?"

Pete - "Okay don't panic but is Tristan allergic to anything?"

Loren - "Why?"

Pete - "Well he has this rash."

Loren - "Um, that was there. He had a reaction to his one immunization."

Pete - "Okay. We were concerned, thought it was something we did." Kevin is ready to leave. He mouths his good bye and kisses her cheek. She touches his hand and then he leaves.

Loren - "No he's fine. I'm gonna get a shower and then I will be over."

She hangs up and looks around her apartment. It seems empty with Kevin gone and she feels his absence in her soul. She thinks a shower will make her feel better so she takes a shower and goes to pick up Tristan from Pete and Berg's.

Chapter Seventeen

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