Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thrity-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifity-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-one
Chapter Seventy-two
Chapter Seventy-three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninty Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
There's something about those boybands.
Chapter Fourty-One

A week later

Summer Grant walked into the foyer of the MTV studios. She walked up to the receptionist.

Summer - "Hi I'm suppose to meet Jessica Connery."

Rec - "Your name?"

Summer - "Delilah Grant."

Rec - "Yes one minute." She rings up and talks to Brad. "Someone will be down in a moment please have a seat." Summer sits on one of the low couches. A moment later a short blonde girl comes in. She rushes over.

Jess - "Hi I'm Jessica Connery."

Summer - "Delilah Grant. But everyone calls me Summer."

Jess - "Well in that case call me Jess." They shake hands. "Well let's get you upstairs."

Summer - "Okay." They get in the elevator.

Jess - "So you grew up with AJ?"

Summer - "Yeah. We lost touch when I moved to Miami. I hope he remembers me."

Jess - "Trust me he's going to flip."

Summer - "You know him."

Jess - "Yeah we're pretty good friends. He has this wall of pictures at his house and there's an old one with the two of you, I think it's from Halloween."

Summer - "Let me guess. He has a on a blonde wig and leather pants and I have on a white dress and my hair is teased up to the sky."

Jess - "Yeah."

Summer - "It was for a school dance he was the lead singer from Whitesnake and I was his girlfriend, Tawny something or another." Jessica laughs. "Hey we won first place."

Jess - "So you guys dated?" The door opens on their floor.

Summer - "No. We were just really good friends."

Jess - "Well you have nothing to worry about I'm sure he hasn't changed that much. Now you can just wait in here and someone will get you when it's time."

Summer - "Okay. Thanks Jess."

Jess - "No problem."

Jess then walked down the hall to where BSB was waiting. Her and Brian where still not talking.

Jess - "You guys almost ready. We're going live in like ten minutes.

Kevin - "Don't worry we'll be ready."

Jess - "Does anyone need anything?"

AJ - "I think we're cool thanks anyway."

Jess - "Okay I'll go see if they're ready for you yet."

About an hour later.

Dave - "Hi and welcome back to Backstreet TV. We are now to my favorite part of the show. Some of you might be a little too young but there used to be a show called 'This is your life.' Have you guys ever heard of it?" They nod or shake their head. "Well we have kinda taken one of the elements from that show and are going to use it here today. Now you will hear a voice. Could be someone you've known years ago could be some one you've seen yesterday. You guys ready."

AJ - "Bring it on."

Dave - "Okay AJ we're going to do you first. Now listen very closely to this voice."

Summer is so nervous she swears that everyone can hear her shaking. "Hi AJ. We go way back, I mean way back. You spent so much time at my house growing up my dad could have claimed you on his taxes. My first name is a flower but not the one you call me. Who am I?"

Dave - "Well AJ who is it?"

AJ - "It's got to be Lily."

Dave - "Well let's find out. Could mystery guest one please come out."

She walks out and doesn't even make it to the stage. AJ runs over and hugs her. He then takes her hand and takes her back up. There is a chair set next to AJ's for her but he pulls her in to the same one he's sitting on. It's really big so they both fit.

Dave - "I take it you're surprised."

AJ - "Yes she was like my best friend growing up." He looks at Summer. "I missed you how did they find you."

Summer - "Well I was at home"

Dave - "In the mic hun."

Summer - "I was at home doing some school work when your mom called me."

AJ - "You mean she knew."

Summer - "Yeah. She told me I had to come to New York then explain everything so I got on a plane and here I am."

Dave - "Just to clear things up what is your name?"

Summer - "It's Delilah Summer, but everyone calls me Summer. Well except AJ, he's always called me Lily for some odd reason."

Dave - "So what dirt can you tell us about AJ growing up?"

Summer - "Well let's see."

AJ - "Be nice."

Summer - "Well I don't know how he got this big lady's man rep because I remember the guy who used to turn to Jell-O every time my older sister walked in the room."

AJ - "Well what did you expect? I was like fourteen she was twenty."

Howie - "Was she pretty?"

AJ - "She was like a goddess to me."

Nick - "So Bone struck out huh."

Summer - "Struck out, no he never had a chance." They all laugh at him.

AJ - "Ha ha, very funny. You wait I remember some stuff about you too."

Summer - "Don't my dad is watching and he's still convinced you are a saint."

Brian - "What?"

Summer and AJ - "Long story." They look at each other.

AJ - "My other half."

Summer - "You're better half." He puts her in a headlock kisses the top of her head then just leaves his arm there.

Dave - "Okay well let's keep things going. Howie you're next."

They go on and do the other guys then go to commercial. This is when everyone is supposed to leave.

AJ - "Do not go anywhere."

Summer - "I wasn't planning on it."

AJ - "Good. We'll be done soon and then we have to catch up."

Summer - "Okay." She goes backstage to wait. Nick who is sitting next to AJ watches her leave.

AJ - "Hey man what are you doing?"

Nick - "Nothing." He's still staring.

AJ - "Dude knock it off she's like my little sister."

Nick - "How old is she?"

AJ - "A couple months younger then you. Don't get any ideas."

Kevin - "Wait is AJ being a protective older brother."

AJ - "No I just know her dad and older brother would not like the way he was looking at her."

Kevin - "Okay then."

Stage hand - "And we are back in five four three two one."

Summer watches the rest of the show from the lounge. Jessica comes in.

Jess - "See I told you he would be happy to see you."

Summer - "I almost cried."

Jess - "I saw. So what's up now?"

Summer - "I'm not sure AJ asked me to wait is it okay if I stay here so I can watch the rest of the show."

Jess - "Yeah that's fine. There are sodas in that fridge if you want one."

Summer - "Thanks." Jessica puts her hand up to her earpiece.

Jess - "Well they're yelling for me in my ear I gotta go. See ya later."

Summer - "Okay." Her cell rings and she looks at the number. "Hi Uncle Herbie."

Herb - "Hey so how's it going?"

Summer - "Good he remembered who I was."

Herb - "Well of course he remembers who you are. You are simply unforgettable."

Summer - "Well I like to think so. So what's up?"

Herb - "That boy called here looking for you."

Summer - "His name's Brett."

Herb - "yeah him he called here twice since you've been gone."

Summer - "Okay I'll give him a call."

Herb - "Is he always so possessive?"

Summer - "He's not possessive he's just worried about me up here by myself."

Herb - "Honey you are far from by yourself. You're staying here with me and your uncle."

Summer - "I know. So were you watching the show?"

Herb - "Yes. You looked beautiful."

Summer - "Thank you. AJ asked me to wait for him so I'm not sure when I'm going to be home. I'll call and check in."

Herb - "Oh honey please we're not your father. You don't have to check in. Just go have fun."

Summer - "Okay. I guess I better call Brett back before he calls and bugs you again."

Herb - "Please do. Well you be good."

Summer - "Bye Uncle Herbie." She hangs up with him and calls Brett's frat house.

Boy - "Keg house."

Summer - "Yeah can I talk to Brett Harver please?"

Boy - "yeah. Hey Brett!"

Brett - "hello."

Summer - "Hey it's me."

Brett - "Hey."

Summer - "What's wrong?"

Brett - "Nothing why?"

Summer - "Well you've called my Uncles' house twice today and I thought something might be wrong."

Brett - "Well the first time I just wanted to say hi and the second time was because I was watching that show you were on."

Summer - "Really you were watching. How did I look?"

Brett - "You really want to know." She starts to get a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Summer - "Did I look that bad?"

Brett - "You were wearing too much make-up."

Summer - "Well I thought with the cameras I should put more on then I normal do."

Brett - "Well you thought wrong. And why did he have to hang on you like that. It didn't look good. Do you have any idea what the guys here are saying about you?"

Summer - "I'm sorry Brett."

Brett - "I knew I shouldn't have let you go there by yourself. You've made me look like an ass."

Summer - "I just hadn't seen him in so long that I didn't think. I'm sorry please don't be mad at me."

Brett - "We'll just talk when you get home."

Summer - "Okay. I love you."

Brett - "I'll see you when you get home." He hangs up.

She looks at the phone for a second and then sticks her tongue out at it. The show is almost over they are doing some kind of trivia game.

Chapter Fourty-Two

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