Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thrity-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifity-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-one
Chapter Seventy-two
Chapter Seventy-three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninty Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
There's something about those boybands.
Chapter Fifty-nine

A week and ˝ later.


Juliana - "You are going to behave yourself tonight, right."


Hugh gives her a look.


Ruppie - "She's got a point Hugh, it is Ginger's birthday."


Summer - "And yes Danny will be there.  I don't know why you don't like him, he is a really great guy."


Herb - "I have to agree."


Hugh looks at all of them.  "What is this an intervention?"


Ruppie - "Only if it needs to be.  I am however hoping you can just overlook the fact that you completely abhor Daniel , just this once.  And maybe you'll have an epiphany and realize you are wrong about him."


Hugh - "If you are all worried about a public outburst, you have forgotten one thing.  I am above all a gentleman, an English gentleman to be exact.  We don't air our dirt in public, it shows bad breeding."


He walks into the restaurant.  Everyone glances nervously at each other and then follow his lead.


Juliana - "Tu-Tu Tango Café , what a lovely name for a restaurant."


Summer - "Yeah isn't it."


She looks over and sees Brett talking to Uncle Herb, and secretly wishes Nick was here instead.


That second Danny and Ginger choose to arrive.   Ginger walks over and gives her mom a hug and kiss.


Ginger - "I am so glad you made it."


Juliana - "I wouldn't miss it for anything.  I can't believe youre 28."


Ginger - "Lets not dwell on that fact, hum."


Juliana - "Hello Danny."  She gives him a hug.  Summer steps around their mother to hug her big sister.


Summer - "Happy birthday, Ging.  Joshy sends his love."


Ginger - "I talked to him today.  He has a present for me when we get to LA.  Something tells me I should be frightened."


Summer - "I love your dress"


Ginger spins around so she can see it.  She is wearing a tango-esque red dress, with her hair swept up and adorned with a large flower.


Ginger - "The dress is D&G, the shoes are mine."  She points at the black lace-up shoes.


Summer and Juliana look down.


Juliana - "They are priceless."


Summer - "They look uncomfortable."


Ginger - "Not really."


Summer - "Hey Danny"


Danny smiles, "hey pipsqueak."


Summer give him a hug.  Everyone mingles around the bar area exchanging hellos.  Ruppie and Herb are pleasant, Brett is overly nice, which makes Ginger sick to her stomach.  But she refuses to let that bother her.  After all it is her birthday, all she can do is hope he won't be there for the next birthday.  Hugh is cordial and Ginger is very formal with him.


They had recently gotten in to a bit of a argument about Danny.  He had finally moved in with Ginger and Hugh did not in any way approve.  Before things got too ackward the rest of the party, Ginger's friends, showed up and they all made their way back to the table.


The food was great and everyone is having a great time.  Hugh is even telling a few jokes, spurred on of course by the 3 or 4 scotch and waters he has comsummed.  Ginger had just settled in to open her gifts when a woman approaches the table, she is being hastily pursued by the maitred.


MD - "I am sorry madame, if you have no reservation."


Melissa - "I know he is here just back off.  There he is."


Danny sees her and quickly excuses himself.  He meets them about 4 tables away.  No one can hear what is being said but it appears that both Danny and the maitred are trying to talk her into leaving.  The realization of who she is hits Ginger like a ton of bricks and she has to will herself not to throw up.  They have the attention of everyone in the vacinity.  Before anyone can ask what is going on or how Danny knows this person, she breaks away from Dannys grip and walks towards the table. 


Michelle looks directly at Ginger.  "I know who you are and I know what you are and you gotta lotta nerve."


Ruppie - "Ok you know who she is, exactly who might you be."


Michelle - "I am his," she points to Danny, "wife."


A hush came over the entire place, maybe the entire planet.  Ruppie for once in his life did not have a witty comeback.  In fact everyone was speechless.  Ginger wanted to speak but couldn't.


She looks back at Ginger.  "Oh did I ruin the big secret.  oops.  Well like I was saying, I know what is going on and don't think for one second that I will let him go without a fight."  Danny tries to take her elbow to escort her out.  "Don't touch me!!  I am not finished.  I don't know how you can look yourself in the mirror day in and day out, knowing that you broke up a family and that because of you a little girl cries herself to sleep on a regular basis.  You did know about Kaitlynne didn't you.  Of course you had to, he has her name tattooed above his heart.  That conversation was bound to come up since we all know you've been fucking him.  Well, I'd say go to Hell, but, that would be a waste of breath seeing that you are already going there.  Adultery is a sin, in case you weren't aware.  Have a great night."


She walks out of the restaurant.  Everyone is still silent as Danny follows her out.  Ginger would have loved to sink into the carpet but seeing as she didn't have that luxury, she stood up and quickly walked to the ladies room.  No one knew what to do.  All of a sudden Hugh stood up so quickly his chair fell over with a bang and he followed her.


Juliana actually looks frightened when she jumps up and runs after them.  Summer has wishing Josh was here, he'd know what to do to keep Dads from going over the edge and if he didn't he'd take the brunt of Dad's anger intended for Ginger.  Without word Ruppie jumps up and follows the growing line to the bathroom.


In the bathroom, yes he followed her right into the ladies room.  There is not much more scandal they can make at this point.  Hugh finds her puking and sobbing at the same time.  He paces the room Ruppie and Juliana are there by the time she finally comes out of the stall.  Ginger walks over to the sink washes her hands and rinses her mouth out.  She turns towards them and they just stare.


Hugh - "Please tell me that this announcement was as much a shock to you as it was to us, please tell me that, so that I remotely good opinion of you."


She is silent, but can see his jaw clenching and is actually frightened of him for the first time in her life.


Hugh - "You knew that he had a family, a wife and child.  I won't even ask what you were thinking because it is clear to me that you haven't thought about your actions at all."


Julianna - "Hugh, please control yourself I am sure there is an explanation."


He looks at her.  "An explanation, an explanation!  What possible explanation could there be?  Your daughter is an adulteress.  Simple clear cut and to the point.  She knew he had a wife and a child and yet she proceeded with, this affair.  Beyond that she lied to everyone."  He looks back at Ginger.  "I don't know who you are anymore.  You are certainly not any child I raised."  He turns on his heel and walks out of the bathroom.


Juliana - "It'll be okay sweetie."  She gives Rupert a look and then follows Hugh.  Gingers emotions get the best of her and she lets out a strangled-like cry and collapses into Ruppies arms.


Back at the table, Ginger's friends were in the process of taking her gifts out to their cars.  The maitre'd tries to appoligize, Hugh just whips out cash and hands it to him.


Hugh - "I am certain that will cover the bill."  He then looks at Brett.


Brett trying to be funny throws up his hands.  "I am not married."


Hugh and everyone else glares at him.  He then looks at Summer.  "I want you home by 11, sharp."


She nods frightened to remind him that her curfew is midnight.  Finally he leaves with Juliana and everyone breaths a sigh of relief.  Herb gets up and walks towards the ladies room.  He knocks and walks in.


Rupert looks relieved.  "Herbert, could you stay with her while I pull the car around?"


Herb nods and comes to sit on the sofa with Ginger, who is still crying and shaking uncontrollably.


Rupert walks out of the restaurant just in time to run into Danny.  Rupert, who is slightly unsettled by all this, but not one to jump to conclusions or take sides to quickly, stops him.  Danny looks at him


Ruppie - "Which one do you really love?"


Danny - "Thalia and my daughter."


Ruppie - "Then make it right, no matter what the cost."


Rupert walks off to get his car.


Danny walks into the restaurant at the table he is informed that Ginger is the ladies room.  Danny turns to head in that direction when...


Brett - "Way to go loverboy."


Danny hauls off and punches him.  Summer out of sheer stupidity, is the only thing it could possibly be, gets in between them.


Summer - "Haven't you done enough damage for one day?"


Danny looks at her.  He can't believe she is defending Brett, neither can she.  Danny walks away hurt, he thought Summer would be on his side.  He finds Ginger in the bathroom with Herb.   Herb is practically in tears too, he is a very emotional soul and this whole thing has his nerves in an uproar.  Danny squats in front of her so he can be eye level.


Danny - "Thalia,  I am so sorry baby."


Ginger - "I need to be alone Danny.  Please just go."   She turns and puts her face in Herb's shoulder.


He was going to say something but Herb gave him a look.  Danny nods and gets up and leaves. 


After Summer makes sure that Ruppie and Herb will get Ginger safely home, she and Brett leave.  Some of Gingers friends were going to stay with her the rest of the night. 


Once in the car summer pulls out her cell phone and dials Joshs number.  He picks up on the 3rd ring.


Josh - "hello?"


Summer - "Josh..."


He can tell by her voice something is wrong.  "What happened?"


She tells him everything, he is really quiet.  She doesn't know what Hugh said to Ginger in the bathroom but she can guess pretty accurately.  When shes finish Josh is still quiet.


Summer - "hello?"


Josh - "I'm still here.  Um, does Dads have a will?"


She is completely caught off guard by that question.  "What?  Why?"


Josh - "That scene on top of the news I have might kill him."


Summer - "Why?  What's your news?"


Josh - "I'm gonna be a dad.  Liz is pregnant."

Chapter Sixty

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